Weed Control
All poison applications
Spraying of grasses and broadleaf and woody weeds, utilising a variety of vehicles equipped with spray units. All our vehicles are equipped with all OH&S requirements, fitted with everything from GPS tracking system, appropriate signage, flashing lights, UHF radio, fire extinguisher and first aid kits and Spill Kits.
All our highly experienced staff have Chem Cert III accreditation and DPI commercial operator licences.
All poisons of any application for;
- Broad Acreage
- Roadside Furniture
- Batters
- Drains
- Pipelines
- Overpasses
- Storage Facilities
- Rail Corridors
- Level Crossings
- Rail Yards

All vehicles fitted with OH&S requirements
All vehicles fitted with appropriate signage

600lt Quick-spray unit

A range of different vehicles for all situations

Polaris Ranger