OHS Policy

As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of health and safety in our workplace, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment also extends to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness or damage.

OHS Policy Summary

ASSA Member

At Tropical Aqua Blast we are committed to the highest standards of health and safety in our operations. We recognise our moral and legal responsibility, to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment extends through all our operations to ensure that the environment and the local communities are not impacted by our activities.

Our Work Health Safety Management System which outlines in detail how we manage and operate our business in a safe and efficient manner for a Zero Harm outcome to anyone, anywhere.

At Tropical Aqua Blast we have developed a comprehensive and thorough training system that embraces all aspects of the Work Health Safety Management, Quality Assurance System and Tropical Aqua Blast's Environmental Policy and Procedures. All our operators must undertake and be competent and verified before commencing work.

  • Verification of competencies include the following:
  • Conduct Tractor Operations
  • TMR Working in Proximity to Traffic part 1 and 2
  • SARC (Safety Access Rail Corridor) and Fatigue Management
  • Chem Cert 3 and DPI Commercial Operator Licence
  • First Aid

Policy Statement

Tropical Aqua Blast recognises the important principles within our workplace. A safe and healthy work environment is our responsibility legally and morally by all employees, contractors and clients. We excel at minimising all risk of injury, illness and damage to persons, environment and community.


Utilising information, instructions, training and supervision to employees, clients and contractors necessary to ensure their safety.

  • Educate employees on safe workplace practise and issues.
  • Provide written procedures and policies to ensure safety is of the utmost importance.
  • Comply with legislative requirements and current standards.


The overall responsibility we acknowledge is to provide a safe workplace lies with management, who is responsible and accountable to implement this policy.

These responsibilities consist of:

  1. Enforce and ensure all OH&S policies and procedures are implemented.
  2. Evaluate and eliminate possible work related injury, illness and risks.
  3. Identify, isolate and report any hazardous workplace situation.

This shall also include our employee's obligation to demonstrate responsibilities-

  • Follow and abide by OH&S policies and procedures
  • Any risks, hazards that affect the health and safety to themselves, workers and the well being of the environment.

Consultation and co-operation between management and employees is of the utmost importance. The companies appointed OH&S representative informs any workplace changes and any issues that may affect the well being or health and safety of employees in the workplace at any given time.


Policy fully implemented from : 12/10/2010           Policy to be reviewed on or by : 01/01/2025


Darrell Maher


Tropical Aqua Blast OH&S Policy Outline

Tropical Aqua Blast OH&S Policy is registered with ASSA.

All our OH&S meets any requirement for any application.

  • All Plant and Equipment/Machinery Maintenance Checks are carried out Daily, Pre-Starts and Shut down procedures are also carried out Daily
  • Strict safety checks daily on PPE requirements, All workers are required to have these items at all time, ie: earplugs, gloves, Hi-Vis Clothing and boots are supplied by Tropical Aqua Blast
  • ToolBox and Prestart Meetings happen daily before work commences
  • OH&S consultant performs risk assessment and hazard assessment on every job site, JSA & SWMS accompany every site and job
  • Assessment, Identification, Isolation and Reporting of hazards is of the utmost importance to the company
  • Safety of our employees comes first, ie: heat stress, work plant safety, plant people separation, utilisation of safety spotters and a competent system of reporting to management any hazards
  • Only trained and certified people are employed by Tropical Aqua Blast
  • MSDS sheets and the appropriate spill kits are supplied for all chemicals used on site
  • First aid kits and muster points along with rehydration areas are supplied for employees
  • Wash Down Procedure for plant & machinery utilizing environmentally friendly solutions to prevent to spread of weeds